Partners and programs

Below you will find a few of the unique ways in which we distribute the books given to The Edwards Collection


Local Area Food Pantry Funding

Turning books into bread.

During this tumultuous time in the wake of the CO-VID 19 pandemic, many food pantries are struggling under the increased need for food and funding for food. We donate a preselected portion of books which are given to specific pantries. These pantries sell the what we are able to supply thus being able to continue to serve the community in need.


ICU Counseling

Inner care and understanding counseling

All books donated to ICU Counseling, also called ICUC, build their in-office library that clients can access free of charge during their time in treatment.



Our featured children’s book donation program

( a staff favorite)

Working together with volunteers in various local school lunchroom settings and handing out smiles by way of books to children during this pandemic! You light up their world with your kindness, one book at a time.


Building with Books


In the house donation program, it utilizes messaging boards to donate straight into the community and those who need reading material.


Maddies Consignment

Because we love local

We work together with other local businesses to support and share in the vision of not only our company but those also in our community.

Many “unusable” books are bundled together with decorative ribbons and other aged books that are missing pages or covers. We take them to a local consignment store where we re-home them and use the funds to help continue to grow and expand into new area of donations.

One of our favorites is a local consignment shop, “Maddies Consignment.” Please follow the link below to be redirected to the store website.


We Recycle

Partial books, magazines, severely water damaged, hazardous etc.

When items are donated that are outside the scope or standard of being donation to a program, we recycle the item. We have chosen a local recycling program that gives back to the community and helping employ those in our community with special needs.


T. E. Meadows Books & The Edwards Collection

Funding the donations

This is how we maintain as well as grow the distribution of the books we take in. Although we can minimize the costs by utilizing volunteers and in-kind donations, there are still costs associated with shipping, packaging, storage, etc. The way that we can offset these costs is by the resale of a percentage of intake.

Please encourage friends and family to help support our ongoing efforts by purchasing from our outlets or donating unused books!

Do you have the vision to do good as well as do business?

If you are a business owner interested in partnering with us on various projects please, click below to contact us!